Discover Andaman | Hotels | Hotel King Safire Port Blair

Hotel King Safire Port Blair

Discover Andaman / Hotels / Hotel King Safire Port Blair
Hotel Overview

Featuring lavish facilities and supremely dedicated assistants, Hotel King Safire is one of the most recommended hotels in Port Blair near airport. The hotel’s prime location, in close proximity to major sight-seeing destinations, helps in curating an unforgettable experience for the guests. Along with the accommodation in the port Blair near airport, hotel King Safire also facilitates the travellers with multi-cuisine restaurant and bar & lounge to extend a more delightful experience for the guest during their vacation in Andaman. one of the best hotels in port Blair near airport is the ideal destination to have your holiday at. Our elegantly designed and fully furnished rooms make our hotel one of the best hotel to stay in Port Blair. Rooms are spacious which allows the travellers to have a comfortable stay at our hotel in Port Blair near airport. Rooms are equipped with all the basic and modern amenities. Hotel crew offers a helping hand to patron whenever required. With the friendly and helpful staff, hotel king Safire is the best place to stay in Port Blair.

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